Mercedes Carro win Prestigious CVG ScHOLARSHIP

Mercedes will elucidate the role of the argonaute proteins in driving spermatogenesis  

Mercedes Carro has won a prestigious scholarship from the Cornell Center for Vertebrate Genomic. Her proposed studies of the small RNA-associated Argonaute proteins in spermatogenesis. Her proposal seeks to investigate several germline-enriched Argonautes through prophase I of meiosis and into spermiogenesis. She will use novel mouse models in combination with proteomics and small RNA cloning to elucidate binding partners of the Argonautes, as well as live-imaging to track RNA-Argonaute complexes as they move through the cell.  In announcing her award, Praven Sethupathy, Director of the CVG, noted Mercedes "clarity and promise of [her] scientific proposal" and praised her "scientific sophistication and acumen". Congratulations, Mercedes!