2023 Program

May 4th  


MODERATORS: Sean Burgess, Bruce Draper, Ivan Olaya

Ethan Greenblatt (University of British Columbia, Canada):    Cytoplasmic aging drives oocyte meiotic instability  

Ana Rita Rodrigues Neves (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany):    The hidden function of the C-terminus of SYP-4 in crossover regulation in C. elegans meiosis.  

Keynote: Jean-René Huynh (College de France, CNRS, INSERM, France):   DWhen does meiosis start in Drosophila

Gang Cheng (National Institutes of Health, USA):  Coordinated loading and unloading of cohesins define the mitotic-to-meiotic chromatin reorganization  

Alexandre Webster (Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Germany):  An engineered cohesion system reduces errors in aged mammalian eggs  

Mercedes Carro (Cornell University, Ithaca, USA):   Argonaute-small RNA (AGO-smRNA) interactions drive sex chromosome silencing during meiosis 

May 11th


MODERATORS: Neil Hunter, Regina Bohn

Leah Rosin (National Institutes of Health, USA):    Oligopaint FISH in the holocentric pantry moth Plodia interpunctella reveals cruciform-like metaphase I bivalents resulting from multiple crossovers 

Yasuhiro Fujiwara (University of Tokyo, IQB, Japan):   SETX is a safeguard against transcription-coupled DNA damage during meiotic prophase 

Jing He (Tsinghua University, China):   3D genome remodeling and homologous pairing during meiotic prophase of oogenesis and spermatogenesis 

Keynote: Corentin Bouuaert (Louvain Institute, Belgium):   Evolutionary conservation of the structure and function of meiotic Rec114-Mei4 and Mer2 complexe 

Bhumil Patel (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA): Meiotic control of crossovers via PCH-2 

Stacey Hanlon (University of Connecticut, USA): Suppression of B chromosome meiotic drive in D. melanogaster 

May 18th 


MODERATORS: JoAnne Engebrecht, Wenzhe Li

Gurusaran Manickam (University of Edinburgh, UK):   MEILB2-BRME1 adopts a clamp-like architecture upon dimerisation through its interaction with BRCA2 in meiotic homologous recombination 

Keynote: SaraH Zanders (UStowers Institute for Medical Research, USA):    Evolutionary persistence of genetic parasites 

Soonjoung Kim (Yonsei University College of Medicine, South Korea):   Critical roles of the MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 complex in starting and completing DNA end resection in mouse meiosis 

Stefanie Redemann (University of Virginia, USA):  Microtubule reorganization during female meiosis in C. elegans

Tadasu Nozaki (Harvard University, USA):  Meiotic chromosomes pair via recombination-mediated rapid homolog juxtaposition

Keynote: Monique Zetka (McGill University, Canada):  PLK-2 regulates chromosome encounters to promote homolog pairing

May 25th


MODERATORS: Francis McNally, Luca Comai, Kanae Masuda

Joanna Majka (Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech):   Non-Mendelian inheritance of parental chromosomes in interspecific plant hybrids 

Ahmed Balboula (University of Missouri, USA): Initial spindle positioning at the oocyte center is a strategy to avoid erroneous chromosome segregation in mice 

Kizuku Kamei (Nagoya university, Japan):   Rapid chromosome movement in meiocytes follows synaptonemal complex formation and chromosome bouquet resolution in medaka (Oryzias latipes

Nathan Palmer (Max Perutz Laboratories, Vienna, Austria):  Regulation of meiotic crossing over by the chromatin remodeling enzyme CHD1 

Keynote: Kelly Dawe (University of Georgia, USA):   Transmission of neochromosomes driven by synthetic chromosomes 

Chenshu Liu (University of California, Berkeley, USA):  Gamete quality control in C. elegans depends on a mechanosensitive checkpoint acting at the nuclear envelope 

June 1st


MODERATORS: Satoshi Namekawa, Richard Schultz, Jasmine Esparza

Keynote: Katsuhiko Hayashi (Osaka University, Japan):   Development of culture systems that reproduce gametogenesis in mice 

Marion Peuch (IJPB - INRAE Versailles, France):   Identification of the first synaptonemal complex central element proteins in plants 

Masaru Ito (Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, Japan):  FIGNL1 AAA+ ATPase remodels RAD51 and DMC1 filaments during premeiotic DNA replication and meiotic recombination 

Lena Skrutl (ETH Zurich, Switzerland):  Mix, Match & Synapse‚ Pericentromeric satellite DNA repeats are required for complete synapsis of homologous chromosomes in Drosophila 

Daniel Shaw (University of Georgia (currently at University of Montana), USA):   Single-cell gene expression of spermatogenesis reveals evolution of post-meiotic gene repression and activation of amplicons on the threespine stickleback fish Y chromosomeg 

Cori Cahoon (University of Oregon, USA):   Sexually dimorphic regulation of the synaptonemal complex